How To: Control Your Android Device When It's Lost or Stolen Using a Simple Text Message

Control Your Android Device When It's Lost or Stolen Using a Simple Text Message

The great thing about security apps (other than the obvious) is that there is an abundance of them littered throughout the Google Play store. Cerberus, Got Ya!, Avast! Mobile Security, Norton Security & Antivirus, and Android Lost Free are just a few of the gems you can find in the plentiful sea of security apps for Android.

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Once in awhile, though, a new security application comes along that stands out from the rest, like AeGis.

AeGis allows most of the functionality you would see in any other security app, except for the fact that it handles everything on your phone via SMS, without any data connection needed to perform some of the functions.

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This makes for a very simple to use app—all you have to do is text a specific phrase that triggers your phone to either lock the display, remotely wipe, find its location, or sound an alarm.

This is a great app to have just in case your phone is ever lost or stolen. If not, you could always try using Dropbox to recover your device.

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Image by Digital Trends

1 Comment

This makes for a very simple to use app—all you have to do is text a specific phrase that triggers your phone to either lock the display, remotely wipe, find its location, or sound an alarm.

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