How To: Control power consumption on DROID smartphones

Control power consumption on DROID smartphones

Battery life on all cell phones is a problem. There isn't a cell phone on the market today that can satisfy everyone's power needs, but there are a few tips and tricks to making sure you have total control of your battery's lifespan on Droid smartphones.

Droid battery life is a huge problem on Google's Android platform cell phones, but the Power Control widget will help you increase your Droid battery life. Learn how to install the Power Control widget (video #2) along with other valuable Android apps. There are also other options you can implore to get better use of your Droid battery, like managing your home screen's space, screen brightness, WiFi, and Bluetooth.

For written instructions, visit the power control and Power Control widget pages on Use My Droid.

(1) Part 1 of 2 - How to Control power consumption on DROID smartphones, (2) Part 2 of 2 - How to Control power consumption on DROID smartphones

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1 Comment

On the Droid X, most of the power consumption is from the 4.3" LCD screen (upwards of 90%). Setting Screen Timeout to 30 - 60 secs increases battery life considerably.

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