How To: Change Your Android Screen's Orientation Using Your Face Instead of the Device's Angle

Change Your Android Screen's Orientation Using Your Face Instead of the Device's Angle

One of the coolest things for readers using the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is the stock Smart Rotation feature. While most smartphones use the accelerometer to adjust the screen orientation, Smart Rotation actually uses the camera to detect your face-to-screen angle and adjusts accordingly.

Now, if only there was a way that all Android users can continue reading an article or text without sporadic and unexpected 90-degree turns of their screen.

Wait, there is!

Thanks to XDA Developer member StupidIdea, there's now GMD Smart Rotate, which works on most Samsung phones and tablets, as well as the Nexus 7, HTC One X, Motorola Xoom, and more. Click here to see a full list of tested and compatible devices.

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Besides controlling screen rotation, it also lets you force rotate apps and screens that previously didn't rotate, as well as keep the screen on by using the facial recognition feature to determine that you're still looking at it. These features are useful for games and when reading longer articles that like to time out your screen.

You can download the application from the XDA forums thread or in the Google Play Store. This free version doesn't include all of the features, though. You will have the facial recognition and the force to lock, but there are other nice features that are only available on the paid version, which $1.99 and also allows users to set rotation preferences for individual apps and use the facial recognition to keep the screen on.

This is a really cool application for the many people who are frustrated with the automatic screen rotation on their devices. Download and enjoy.

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Photo by Android Central, Gawker

1 Comment

Doesn't work on my Samsung GS3. Better solution here.

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