How To: Back up Cydia apps on iPhone/3g/iPod Touch

Back up Cydia apps on iPhone/3g/iPod Touch

Overtime while using Cydia on your iPhone or iPod touch you may discover that you've collected tons of applications that you'd hate to lose. Well, no need to worry! Check out this video for instructions on how to download an application from Cydia which backs up your Cydia applications. (Ironic, we know)

Here are the written instructions:

Step 1: Go Into Cydia And Search For AptBackup

Step 2: Install It

Step 3: Plug iPhone Into Your Pc Connect It To Itunes

Step 4: Open AptBackup And Hit BackUp

Step 5: Once Your Done Then You Can Update Your Firmware To The Latest

Step 6: Once Updated Rejail Break And Go Into Cydia Search AptBackup And Install It

Step 7: Connect To Itunes Open AptBackup And Hit Restore

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