How To: Add Virtual Memory to a Idevice.

Add Virtual Memory to a Idevice.

WARNING VM uses the hard disk as ram. So it repeatedly writes and reads of the hard disk. Since the iPod has flash memory usage of this tweak will lower your device lifespan to 5-7 years. So i recommend this tweak on a old device you want to speed UP!!!

Step 1: Skip This Whole Tutorial?

If you want you can just get something like Supercharged, ImemoryEnhancer.

Step 2: Imemory Enhancer or Supercharged??

I used both of these and well i recommend Imemory Enhancer because Supercharged crashes ALOT more.

Step 3: Add the Insanelyi Repo.

Go to cydia and go to manage ---> Sources ---> Edit ----> Add. And enter this

Step 4: Search Imemory Enhancer

Go to search and search for Imemory Enhancer and when you find it press install and confirm.

Step 5: Test It Out...

Get sbsettings from the big boss repo. And then open it go to processes >> Free up memory. You should see a huge jump in the amount of free memory. If it crashes the first time its no big deal but if it crashes springboard alot then you should remove it.

Step 6: Alternatives?

I found a guide on how to do this manually but its a little more advanced but it is more stable and a little better. If your interested find it here.

iOS Virtual Memory - Triggerdown

iOS Virtual Memory - Triggerdown One stop for Jailbreaking , Technology, IMob and OG

Step 7: Enjoy!!

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