How To: Add Interactive Live Wallpapers to Your Nexus 7, Samsung Galaxy S3, or Other Android Device

Add Interactive Live Wallpapers to Your Nexus 7, Samsung Galaxy S3, or Other Android Device

When it comes to live wallpaper for your Android device, the choices are pretty much limitless. Anything from a planet's elliptical orbit around the sun to a school of fish swimming across your screen are just a click and a download away.

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With the advancement of smartphones, live wallpapers have greatly improved. What once used to be a bit of snow falling down the screen has now evolved into very complex animations, with some that are even susceptible to your interaction with them.

XDA Developers member ftgg99 has now added to the interactive LWP world, with Ditalix (named after a Star Trek planet), available in the Google Play store for free. It brings a load of interactive live wallpapers to your device, sensitive to swipes, finger-tapping, and other multi-touch gestures.

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Not only are there preset live wallpapers for you to choose from, but you can also use your own images to create background palettes. You can then mess around with the settings to create awesome new themes.

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The background canvas of the app is very large (2600 pixels), making the stock images pretty heavy, but extremely high in quality. The live wallpapers work best with devices that have high resolution screens, including the Nexus 4, 7 and 10, Samsung Galaxy S3, and the Galaxy Note 2.

Check out the video above to see what Ditalix can do.

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Images by ToTheMobile, Cell11

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