How To: Add Emoticons to Emails and Texts with the Emoji Keyboard on Your iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch

Add Emoticons to Emails and Texts with the Emoji Keyboard on Your iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch

Emoji is the Japanese term for picture icon characters used in electronic messages. Like emoticons the icons have a wide range of characters. Though Emoji has been integrated since iOS 5 the keyboard is not visible. I'm going to show you how to add the Emoji character keyboard to your Apple iPhone, iTouch & iPad. Adding the Emoji keyboard in IOS will give you colorful character, smileys and emoticon keys to use in emails, iMessage messages and chat apps. Upon adding the new keyboard you will be able to switch to the Emoticon or "Emoji" keyboard right on the virtual keyboard in iMessage, Mail or chat apps. Originally meaning pictograph, the word Emoji in Japanese literally means picture + letter =picture letter.

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