How To: Access Your Android Apps from Anywhere with the GYF Sidebar Launcher

Access Your Android Apps from Anywhere with the GYF Sidebar Launcher

Google is constantly adding new ways to do things quicker on its devices. Everything from multi-screen capabilities to lock-screen widgets has been added to the new updates of the Android OS, making its devices very powerful and efficient.

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Something that Android hasn't paid much attention to, though, is the ability to access applications easily from places other than the home screen. So, XDA Developers member Cyansmoker decided to take matters into his own hands creating an application that allows you to easily access your apps from anywhere on your phone!

GYF is a launcher that allows you to open your apps from anywhere, simply by sliding your finger from the left side of the screen. This will bring up the app menu, no matter where you are or what application you're already using on the device.

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And it's not just for smartphones, either. Here's how the launcher looks on a tablet.

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No more going back to the home screen to launch a new app, which should make multitasking a lot easier. Check out GYF in action in the video below.

It's worth noting that this is an early beta release of the application, so it may not work perfectly on all devices. You can find more information about GYF over on XDA Developers.

To give it a try, download GYF: A Sidebar Launcher now.

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

Images by DroidDog

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