If your iPhone has frozen and you're not sure why you're in luck because there is a way to reset it. The first thing you're going to want to do is load up iTunes do a normal reset but don't turn it ba ...
In this video, we learn how to fix and iPod touch LCD screen that is too dim/won't light up. First, open up the back case of the device and take out the battery. Make sure not to disconnect the batter ...
We've seen lots of methods of CD/DVD scratch removal here on WonderHowTo- bananas, toothpaste, even eggs. Now Instructables member gpotvin suggests another method to throw in the mix: vaseline. No rea ...
Here's how to enter recovery mode on your iPhone or iPod touch the easy way. No need to press the sleep button and the home button at the same time for x amount of seconds, just turn your device off, ...
Dr. Jailbait shows the viewers a new device called Smoothboard. With Smoothboard installed the Springboard will not lock while scrolling through your apps. It allows you to scroll and stay in between ...
Kevin shows the different features and options with the program ownspy, which is through OwnSpy and is capable of tracking through phone a persons location as well as texts and phone calls. He first l ...
In this video, we learn how to delete an SMS or email message on an iPhone. Not only is this quick and easy, it can be done for multiple messages that you don't want to keep in your inbox. First, turn ...
In this tutorial, Dr. Jailbreak shows us how to get a custom protapper for your iPhone and iPod Touch. First, open up Cydia on your device. Next, click on "manage" then "sources". Next, add Cydia.xsel ...
This video shows us the procedure to use an iPhone with a microscope using iMicroscope. Open the application and focus the object correctly in the microscope. Bring the camera in the phone near the ey ...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to change the lock pattern on an Android phone. The lock pattern allows minimum security on the phone to prevent other people from tampering with your mobile ...