Your new iPhone 4 comes with a super cool feature: the gyroscope! By using a gyroscope capable device, you can play games like you are actually inside the phone. This feature will allow the game to mo ...
So.. you spent 200, 300 or even 600 bucks on your new iPhone and now you have no reception! It seems as though Apple was so busy developing cool new apps for it's latest creation that it forgot about ...
On of the best features available on the new Apple iPhone 4G HD is Facetime. For 3G users who are unsure if an upgrade is worth it, it is often the Facetime capability that pushes them over the edge. ...
Don't waste money on a bumper cover from Apple to save the reception on your new iPhone. In this clip, learn how to take a simple rubberband and solve all of your dropped call worries! This method is ...
One of the many apps that is currently only available on iPhone 4G HD is iMovie. This app is just like the program on your computer and offers all of the same capabilities. You can even record clips a ...
In this clip, get a quick overview of the new Farmville app for iPhone. Every online farmer knows that each second spent away from their crops is a possible disaster! Make sure you are always on top o ...
In this clip, learn how to make the right phone calls and press the right buttons to "trick" your phone company into giving you a free phone upgrade before you are due. You will also learn how to save ...
In this tutorial, learn how to cheat at the popular iPhone and Facebook game Zombie farm. This cheat will help you grow your crops super fast and keep your game going at a rapid pace. This hack is sup ...
Farmville is one of the most popular games to ever be played on the Internet and Facebook and now you can play it on your iPhone, too! Take your farm with you wherever you go by installing this free a ...