With the new Nexus S from Google, multitasking is easier than ever before. In this brief, official guide from the folks at Google, we learn how to switch between multiple applications by holding down ...
The new Nexus S from Google comes preloaded with Android 2.3 (Gingerbread), which itself includes the latest iteration of Google's official YouTube app. The newest version of the YouTube video applica ...
The DROID 2 from Motorola came out last August, but it's just now exploding— literally. The 33 News reported yesterday that a Motorola DROID 2 smartphone exploded in the hands of Aron Embry from Ceda ...
Materials Needed:iPod1500 grit sandpaper (or higher) - Can be bought at AutoZone.PlastX (or any other polishing liquid) - Can be bought at AutoZone.Buffer - Can be bought at Home DepotSponge pad (opti ...
The PlayStation Phone is almost here, and the hybrid device from Sony Ericsson is rumored to have Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) as its mobile OS. YouTube user xxmajstor managed to get his hands on what i ...
Instructions for the Giorgio Armani PhoneArmani is an international Italian brand in the fashion industry. Its founder, Giorgio Armani, created and made his brand famous through his designs, retail sa ...
To some, it's sacrilege. To others, just a bit of good fun. In this clip from the folks at Lifehacker, we learn how to install and use Google's Android OS on an iPhone 4 using iDroid. Learn how to run ...
Your cell phone has now become your greatest tool in the quest to never get lost again. TomTom is a global positioning software that uses your cell phone signal to direct you to your destination. Orig ...
If you're not unlike most people, you probably find yourself the same people over and over again. In this clip, you'll learn how to create a custom contact shortcut on the home screen of your HTC 7 Tr ...
Go hands free by using voice commands on your HTC 7 Trophy! This Windows Phone 7 owner's guide will teach you everything you'll need to know. For all of the details, and to get started using voice com ...