Android users aren't required to answer and end phone calls by pushing buttons, thanks to ShakeCall by YSRSoft. It's a free application available in the Android Market, which links the answer and end ...
Yesterday we showed you 10 different ways to make the most of your iPhone's front facing camera, but today's app takes shooting video with your iPhone to a professional level. Highly recommended by ou ...
Check out this video if you want to upgrade your Droid X to the latest version of Android, 2.3.3 also known as Gingerbread. First, download the file and then follow all of the instructions in this vid ...
Find Hipstamatic too nostalgic? Instead of trying to emulate film from fuzzy bygone days, iPhone app Decim8 goes in a different direction—futuristic digital destruction. The $0.99 app creates digital ...
What do you get when you combine eBay, foursquare, and Craigslist want ads into a single mobile application? A really gnarly mobile bazaar called Zaarly that lets you post wanted products or services ...
This video explains how to use iSHSHit to save the SHSH blobs on your Apple iOS device so that you can downgrade your firmware. You can save your SHSH locally or back it up on your computer. Watch thi ...
If you're looking to get a faster Android phone without resorting to installing a custom ROM, check out this helpful video to learn seven tips for speeding up an Android smartphone. There are a number ...
A smartphone is the ultimate assistant for a good multitasker. Get the most out of your Android device by adding all of your email addresses. Watch this video to learn how to add gmail, hotmail, and o ...
With give or take 250 million cars in America, odds are most city dwellers waste time hunting for parking spots. And while a smartphone app can't make free parking spots magically appear, it can aid i ...